Now that I — like a number of our international readers — have the voice calling feature in my Gmail inbox, I fully intend to use it at least occasionally. Which is why I’m thankful this handy tip was posted over at Google OS this morning.
跟所有的国际读者一样,我的gamil信箱里也多了一个语音呼叫的功能,有好东西当然要激活啦有备无患嘛。今天早上Goole OS的一篇文章可是好好地警示了一下我。
If you’re outside the U.S. do not click the upgrade your account button. As you can see, the results are less than thrilling — you’ll lose access to the feature.
Hopefully Google will hide the button from non-U.S. users in the near future, but for now just resist the temptation to click and you should be OK!
肉身在天朝并且想长期用 Gmail 打电话的用户注意了,如果你之前没有注册过 Google Voice 电话号码的话,千万不要在 Google Voice 界面里面点击那个看起来非常诱人的 Upgrade your account 按钮。这个按钮的实际作用是给你分配一个 Google Voice 号码,由于目前 Google Voice 还是仅限美帝用户使用,所以你在天朝不小心点击了的话,将会看到如下界面:
此时,你唯一能做的就是想办法伪装成美国人重新登录 Google Voice 给帐户降级,否则你将永远无法给你的 Google Voice 充值。。。很奇怪 Google 为什么不加个简单的判断,如果用户不是来自美国,直接将这个按钮隐藏起来不就行了?